INDICTUS, a bird choreography   2002

Ode to Escher
a bird choreography in three movements
made for Kate Neal
Music  Kate Neal
Image  Mendel Hardeman
Duration  16'57"
Original Format  video DV - PAL, 4:3, with live music

  "Images born out of pure electricity suddenly metamorphose into a wide, inhabitable world. ."       > read more

> see still pictures

INDICTUS - cover picture

◊ Caress

◊ Kyrie Eleison


◊ a Tree for Glenn Gould

◊ Um Homem e uma Cruz

◊ Via Crucis

◊ The Cup

◊ Epilogue to Orpheus

◊ Harpsichorpheus

◊ Sysif's Song

◊ Dark Blue Horizon

◊ Times and Tides

◊ Unholy Vessels



◊ 7 short attempts to
    write a piece for violin

◊ Reveal thyself Alighieri

◊ Last days of a cross

◊ A Última Quimera

◊ the Singing Camera

◊ Het Dierenparadijs

◊ Tattooed Tongues

◊ Slowly turning narrative

◊ Planecrash

◊ A View on Beauty
Mendel Hardeman arquivo 1999-2006
o olho que canta